How To Check If Your Phone is Charging Fast Or Slow – Calculate Charging Speed

How To Check If Your Phone is Charging Fast Or Slow - Calculate Charging Speed

Calculate Charging Speed– You ever wonder if your phone is charging as fast as it should? With fast charging, wireless charging and a bunch of confusing tech stats it can be hard to tell. Luckily your friend got a couple simple tricks to test your phone’s charging speed. Follow me and I’ll have you measuring volts and amps like a junior electrician in no time!

First off you gotta know your phone’s charging specs before you can check if it’s juicing up properly. Companies like Google will tell you the minimum and recommended charging power for their phones. So Google that info if you don’t already know it.

Once you got your phone’s charging specs locked down, it’s time to test your charger. Now there’s a couple ways you can get those measurements. Let’s explore some options from cheap to not-so-cheap.

Use The Ampere App

The easiest way to test charging speed is to download the Ampere app from the Play Store. This helpful little app is free and gives you real time readings of your battery’s power flow while charging.

To use Ampere, make sure your phone battery is low so it’ll start charging hard once you plug it in. Open Ampere and plug your charger into your phone. In Ampere you’ll see your phone’s voltage, battery capacity and the all important milliamps measurement.

Milliamps (or mA) show how hard those electrons are flowing into the battery. Convert mA to regular Amps by dividing by 1,000. So 1,500mA = 1.5A. Then use your volts and amps numbers to calculate your charger’s wattage with this formula:

Watts = Volts x Amps

Compare the wattage Ampere gives you to what your phone is rated for. If your phone supports 18W fast charging but Ampere shows your charger pushing 10W, then you got room for improvement homie!

Buy A Fancy Voltage Meter

If you wanna get really scientific you can buy a voltage meter like the Plugable USB meter for $25. This handy device sits between your phone and charger measuring that sweet electricity.

You’ll see real-time readouts of voltage, amperage and other stats. Plug and unplug different chargers to compare performance. However these meters can get technical and don’t support super high wattages. But it’s the most accurate way to diagnose janky chargers auf natural.

Can New Chargers Make My Phone Go Zoom?

Sometimes yes, sometimes no. If your phone supports a fast charging standard like USB Power Delivery, a better charger may supply that extra zoom juice. But your phone has to be compatible first.

Like if your phone can use up to 25W USB PD charging but your crusty old charger only does 10W, then a newer 25W PD charger would speed things up. Just match specs and check with Ampere to confirm the gas pedal upgrade. VROOM VROOM!

Go and Test The Charging Speed

Aight guys, now you got the blueprint for testing your phone’s charging performance. Apps like Ampere make it easy while voltage meters offer mad science levels of accuracy.

At the end of the day knowing your charging speed helps you spot janky cords and confirms you’re getting blistering battery replenishment. Especially if you pay for fancy fast charging Speed tech. Simply put – test chargers. Your battery will thank you. Now I will and test mine real quick too!

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