Google Putting AI in Android Auto for Some Reason from 2024

Google Putting AI in Android Auto for Some Reason from 2024

Google AI in Android :- Google be bringing artificial intelligence to Android Auto for some weird reason. They planning to use AI to make summaries of “busy conversations” in Android Auto. This feature could be helpful for group chats that be popping off all day, but it really depends if the summaries is accurate or not.

Google been putting AI in a bunch of they products this year, and 2024 looks like it’s gonna be even crazier for them with AI. Artificial intelligence ain’t new, but when ChatGPT dropped last year, ish got real. Google had to get they game up, even though some folks say they was late to the party. Either way, Google now got AI all up in a gang of they stuff, including Workspace and Search.

Now Google lookin’ to bring some of they AI magic to Android Auto, specifically to summarize long text messages. The good folks at 9to5Google found some code in the Google app that’s talking ’bout using AI to make quick summaries of “busy conversations.” From what we can tell, this would be in addition to the current ability to get Google Assistant to read out messages, not replace it.

A’ight, listen up ya’ll. Google out here deciding they gon use artificial intelligence and whatnot to make lil summaries of busy group chats on Android Auto. Not gon lie, could be clutch if you got mad heads spamming the group chat. But it really depends if them AI summaries is accurate or the AI be missing the full context.

How It Works

Google Putting AI in Android Auto for Some Reason from 2024

So here’s the tea – Google been hype bout AI lately. Putting it in everything from Search to Workspace to Pixel phones. Even dropped they own AI chatbot to compete with ChatGPT. After that popped off, Google knew they had to level up they AI game.

Now for Android Auto, basically Google Assistant can already read texts aloud. But if mad messages coming in, instead of reading each one, the AI will generate a lil summary to catch you up.

The AI Ain’t Perfect

When the feature drops, it’ll pop up saying:

“A’ight fam, now I can summarize long convos using AI. Just a heads up, the AI ain’t perfect, might get things twisted. We cool to use summaries instead of me reading every text? Hit me back.”

I vibe with Google admitting the AI could flub summaries. Who knows how useful this really gon be. Like if you chatting bout plans for the weekend and the AI just says “my friends are talking about sandwiches?” Imma be hella confused!

The Upshot

Could come in handy for huge group messages tho. Less distracting for drivers just to hear a summary instead of mad texts. We’ll see when Google finally launches this. They already got a toggle to turn it on/off buried in the Android Auto settings.

And bet Google gon go even crazier with AI in 2024. They dropped some cold features this year for the Pixel 8 using they new AI model Gemini. Crazy good at generating text summaries, replies, all kinds of ish. Gotta say, Gemini is bustin right now. Excited to peep more AI bars from the Big G next year!

Final Words

A’ight, that’s the scoop on Google’s next AI flex for Android Auto conversational summaries. Stay tuned for more fax coming out of Mountain View. Fasho hit your boy up in the comments with any other tea I should cover!

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