Google Messages Glitch Won’t Let Users Send 2024 New Year Messages

OMG Google Messages Glitch Won't Let Users Send 2024 New Year Messages (2)

Google Messages Glitch :-A problem with Google Messages is stopping some users from sending scheduled messages in 2024. The app works fine otherwise, but all upcoming dates look strange because they’re grayed out.

If you wanted to send “Happy New Year” texts right when the clock strikes midnight using Google Messages, you might be out of luck! As we get closer to 2024, some users are facing a strange bug that prevents them from choosing future dates to schedule messages. It’s quite annoying!

Dates in 2024 Randomly Grayed Out and “Not Allowed”

Over the past few days, peeps who attempt to schedule Messages texts for friends and family in 2024 end up hitting a wall. For no apparent reason, the calendar date picker becomes completely useless. Any date next year is grayed out and impossible to select.

To make things weirder, December 31, 2024 is still highlightable for some. But if you try manually typing in a 2024 date, it just scolds you with a “Date not allowed” error in angry red letters. So rude!

The Only Current Workaround is Using “Tomorrow” Preset

Since they can’t properly choose future dates for scheduled messages as usual, affected users are stuck having to use presets for now. Their best bet is likely “Tomorrow 8:00 AM” and hoping their friends remember the texts in 365 days. Pretty janky!

Issue Isn’t Consistent Across Devices and Apps

While definitely annoying, this scheduling glitch doesn’t appear super widespread at the moment. Only some Messages beta users report running into it. Many peeps remain unaffected.

Additionally, other Android apps with date scheduling abilities like Gmail don’t seem impacted. And even among Messages users, the issue only pops up for certain devices. For example, one person’s phone might show grayed out 2024 dates, while their other phone on the same Messages version exhibits zero issues. Spooky!

Will Bug Persist into 2024?

As we prepare to usher in 2024, the big question is will this Google Messages scheduling screwiness get fixed before next year officially begins? Or will unlucky users start off 2024 unable to send timely texts for New Years, birthdays, and more? Talk about ominous!

Since Android beta updates are paused for the holidays at the moment, there likely won’t be a patch before January 1st unless Google unexpectedly drops an emergency fix. Once 2023 ends, we’ll see if the glitch persists or disappears on its own.

Wait and Hope for the Best!

In the meantime, affected Google Messages users can only wait patiently and hope their app begins working normal again in 2024. If not, get ready to have your Taken-style “I don’t know who you are but I will find you and I will schedule a message to you” texts all set to 8:00 AM, January 2nd, 2025! Hey, better late than never right?

The Guy Who Discovered This Google Messages Glitch

Before we wrap up, a shoutout to our smart friend Connors Honors who first discovered this strange Google Messages glitch! It’s very odd that December 31st, 2024, remains selectable while surrounded by grayed-out dates. What secrets does 2024 hold?

Final Words

Let’s hope Google gets to work after their holiday break and fixes Messages so we can all schedule our 2024 texts without any issues! No one wants to wait until next Christmas to wish friends happy holidays. Fingers crossed that Google addresses this weird glitch as soon as possible! Is your Messages app acting up too, or is it just us? Let us know below!

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