IBM Boss Says ,You Won’t Need Degree to Get a Job In tech , Thanks to AI

IBM Boss Says ,You Won't Need Degree to Get a Job In tech , Thanks to AI

AI is becoming so smart that you might not need a computer science degree or coding skills to get cool tech jobs. Even the top AI person at IBM says soft skills will be more important than technical stuff. Pretty surprising!

So, if you want to land a great job in technology but find all that computer science stuff too confusing, you’re in luck! According to the main AI leader at IBM, people without tech backgrounds can still do well in the industry now, thanks to artificial intelligence.

AI Makes Building Products Super Simple Now

IBM Boss Says ,You Won’t Need Degree to Get a Job In tech , Thanks to AI

Matthew Candy is the global managing partner for generative AI at IBM, meaning he’s like one of their top AI experts. In an interview with Fortune, Candy said that AI has gotten sophisticated enough to let people with no coding or computer skills quickly create their own programs and products.

“Before you’d need to study this complicated crap for years to build anything in tech. But now, with AI getting more advanced, the speed at which randos can come up with ideas and make them real is nuts,” Candy told the outlet. “You legit don’t require a degree in that computer science nonsense anymore to do it.”

Creativity and Innovation Become More Vital Thanks to AI

Instead of tech credentials, Candy believes AI will make “soft skills” way more important in the industry. Things like critical thinking, creativity, innovation, and the ability to question things.

“I think AI will free up more brainpower for out-of-the-box creative thinking instead of intensely learning how to code and build complicated junk,” said Candy. So sounds like right-brained peeps have a great new opportunity!

AI Also Helps Non-Artists Take Design Jobs

And it’s not just tech roles that Candy thinks AI could enable artsy innovators to take on without official credentials or training. The advances being made in AI image generation mean you don’t necessarily require art degrees or graphic design skills to succeed in creative fields either.

“Before you’d need to bust your butt in art school and master all that design software to become a pro designer,” Candy explained. “But now thanks again to AI, randos can easily assume designer duties even with zero formal training.”

So doesn’t matter if you barely passed high school art class or flunked out of design school – the AI gods may still bless you with artsy job prospects!

Technical Skills Becoming Less Essential in Many Jobs

Candy’s forward-looking views match what other tech experts have remarked about AI reducing how vital hard skills are in workplaces. Back in November, LinkedIn’s VP Aneesh Raman said he anticipates soft skills getting prioritized over technical qualifications as AI evolves more.

“With tech moving so freakin’ fast, the usefulness of degrees seems to be decreasing hard and fast too,” Raman commented. Even degrees that initially prepared peeps well for jobs just don’t provide longterm value anymore against today’s AI capabilities. Sucks for student loans!

How AI Could Replace Existing Jobs

If all this talk of AI enabling amateurs to take on coveted professional roles sounds ominous, that’s because it lowkey is! Big time financial firm Goldman Sachs already estimated that AI could wipe out a staggering 300 million jobs around the world. Yeouch!

And IBM itself confessed back in May that they’ve paused hiring for positions that AI could reasonably replace. “I could easily envision 30% of our current roles getting swallowed up by AI and automation in the next 5 years,” admitted IBM head honcho Arvind Krishna. Yikes!

So hey – at least all us random nobodies still have a solid chance at getting those sweet techie and creative jobs in the impending AI takeover and automation apocalypse!

Final Words

Well, there ya have it amigos! Thanks to insane advances in artificial intelligence, sounds like us average folk may not need fancy schmancy degrees or technical skills to land wicked jobs in technology and creative fields after all!

Just focus on buffing up those soft skills and then watch the job offers come pouring in. And if the robots do end up conquering humanity and banning entertainment in the impending machine uprising, at least we can still rewire them to play a mean game of minecraft. Peace out!

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