The Hottest Tech Trend of 2023 : AI , Phones , IoT and AR

The Hottest Tech Trend of 2023 : AI , Phones , IoT and AR

AI Tech Trend of 2023 :- 2023 had so much happen with new gadgets and inventions! AI got even smarter. Phones started folding. More stuff focused on helping the planet. Augmented reality went beyond games. Basically all kinds of wild stuff that will change the future.

Let me break down the biggest tech stories this year…

The Battle of the AI Bots

Remember ChatGPT from the end of last year? Well in 2023, every big tech company wanted their own smart robot assistant to compete with it!

Google made one called Gemini that tries to answer questions like ChatGPT. Early reviews said it was really impressive, especially because Google knows so much about the world already from search.

Microsoft launched a helper called 365 Copilot. It combines AI with extra data to make it smarter on more real-world topics. Sounds powerful!

There were rumors that Apple could release an AI chatbot soon too. But we’ll have to wait and see – they’re very secretive! If Apple drops one, it’ll shake up the AI world though.Oh and some Indian billionaire introduced an AI called Krutrim that knows tons of languages. So AI is going global for sure.

The race is clearly on to create the smartest digital sidekick. But most are still quite limited or make silly mistakes. More wild improvements probably coming in 2024!

Folding Screens Tech Breakthrough

The Hottest Tech Trend of 2023 : AI , Phones , IoT and AR

Another game-changing technology that finally hit the mainstream was folding smartphones. After years of small brands trying it, giants released foldable phones that people actually want to buy.

Companies like Samsung showed foldables can look sleek instead of chunky. And make screens even bigger for movies and work. No more compromising between pocket-friendly or max display size!Google launched their first ever folding phone called the Pixel Fold too. Reviewers said the image quality and smoothness stood out big time.

Budget brands Tecno and Motorola even launched foldable options for under $1000 this year. So the tech can spread outside expensive flagships.

As these devices proved people want folding, flexible screens, more variations will keep appearing. Our current slab phones already feel dated!

Climate Conscious Computing

With climate change concerns growing, tech giants raced to go greener in 2023 too.

Apple was one leading the sustainability push. They use 100% renewable energy in data centers and factories now. Tim Cook explained all their initiatives in an environmental report.Lots of other computer and device companies aimed for carbon neutrality as well. Because public sentiment made eco-friendly essential to compete.

Plus electric cars and solar really took off. So technology and sustainability got tied together closely.

AR Goes Beyond Gaming

Remember Pokemon Go from a few years ago? Augmented reality (AR) was mainly seen as a gimmicky phone gaming trend for a while there.

But 2023 may have been a tipping point for AR hardware and features to expand usefulness.

Apple previewed an upcoming mixed reality headset called Apple Vision that blew people’s minds. It can overlay digital objects and data seamlessly into the real physical environment through special lenses.Apple compared it to the leap from basic phones to smartphones originally. Vision could revolutionize how we work, socialize, learn and more.

With Apple paving the way, AR might finally reach mass appeal in areas like shopping, navigation, medicine, design and entertainment too. Exciting times ahead!

Internet of Things Explosion

Finally, 2023 saw smart home devices and wearable gadgets take over our lives more than ever through the “Internet of Things” (IoT) trend.

Companies like Amazon thrived selling appliances you can control via phone apps or voice assistants. Even lightbulbs and sprinklers!Fitness bands, smart watches and wireless earphones also grew hugely successful. Their health tracking features became indispensable to many.

Analysts now predict over 30 billion connected IoT devices will be used worldwide by 2025. Our homes and bodies could end up more robotic than flesh before long!

Final Words

As we look back on tech’s evolution in 2023, AI and augmented realities probably made the biggest splashes by bringing sci-fi movie concepts closer to reality.

But advances like foldables and IoT devices also show how innovation seeps into practical everyday things quickly. And encourage sustainability in the process rather than just consume mindlessly.

Who knows what kinds of unbelievable yet amazingly useful devices we might take for granted by just 2030 even. Technology keeps accelerating!

I can’t predict exact inventions, but I bet coming years introduce helpful tech we barely imagine today. Perhaps 2033 kids do homework by talking to a robot tutor with an AR pencil? 2043 doctors perform surgeries remotely using humanoid robots?

One thing does feel certain – technology and humanity will remain deeply intertwined. Our shared future is a wildly intelligent one!

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