Android 15 Can Save Your Storage Without Uninstalling Apps

Android 15 Can Save Your Storage Without Uninstalling Apps

Upcoming new version of Android is coming with whole new features that improve your device capabilities, and also save your storage without uninstalling apps from your android. It move unused apps aside while keeping your data safe, this app archiving feature is coming with Android 15.

No More Worry About Storage

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Now you don’t need to worry about storage now, when storage get full we fill confused what to delete and what not, sometimes in this sutuation we have to delete or move our favorite photos, video, to other space like google drive or offline on pc drives to get free up space.

But now google has smart way to save space and you don’t need to delete anything you have. Its call “archiving” its new feature of Android 15. Only user who have this updates in upcoming days they can use this feature. It not uninstall app it just archive the app means shrink down it and keep icon and basic data back on your phone so if want to reuse it you can again unarchive the app.

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Rahman from an Android news website was testing it out. He had uber app with space of 387 MB on his phone before archived, after archiving to app it became only 18 MB, It sound amazing right!

Restoring apps results are revealed , and no apps data has been wiped out, so you don’t need to log in again.

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Final Words

If you have speedy internet connection, then you definitely downloading too many apps on your device and you forget to uninstall unwanted apps. So these Android 15 feature made for you, don’t need to uninstall and reinstall apps again and again, just archive & unarchive them as per your need.

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