How To Block Emails On iCloud Archives?

One of the famous email clients that Apple offers its customers is iCloud. Daily email sending, receiving, and sharing are made simple by the platform. However, spam emails arrive in the inbox daily, just like on other email client platforms. As a result, more Apple customers are trying to figure out how to block emails on iCloud Archives.

In this post, you will find instructions on how to block emails on iCloud Archives and stop getting spam emails in your iCloud inbox.

What Is The Need To Block Emails On iCloud Archives?

Clear The Clutter

If the majority of email users are anything like you, your inbox is most likely clogged with unsolicited communications that you will never need and with more messages that you will never read. This content can cause email overload and obstruct crucial messages from being seen, both of which can severely reduce your productivity.

Prioritize The Important

You’ll notice that you’re paying more attention to the emails you receive daily and that the messages that are more relevant to you are automatically highlighted once you’ve removed the pointless ones from your inbox. Missed emails might result in lost chances, tardiness at work, or even incomplete work that is essential to the job.

Filter The Malicious

Most significantly, blocking emails protects you against malicious information on your devices, such as scam emails, cyberbullying, attempted hacking, and other nefarious aspects of the email world.

Get Rid of The Spam: Block Senders on iCloud Mail

Get Rid of The Spam: Block Senders on iCloud Mail

The good news is that you can silence the spambots and get your inbox back with the gadgets provided by iCloud Mail. When you block a sender in iCloud Mail, their emails are effectively blocked from ever reaching your primary inbox. Imagine a virtual bouncer for your email, politely (or perhaps so politely, depending on the sender!) ejecting unwelcome visitors.

When it comes to iCloud Mail, there are two main methods for blocking emails:

Block Specific Email Addresses

With this method, you can specifically target senders whose emails you will never need to read again.

Create Mail Rules

This method entails configuring channels that are programmed to respond to specific criteria, such as the sender’s address or phrases found in the subject line of emails. Emails that fit these requirements are then moved to a designated organizer, such as the junk folder, to save you the trouble of physically deleting them.

Is It Possible to Block Someone Who Emails You? 

Email senders who repeatedly flood your mailbox with irrelevant messages can be blocked. Apple customers can utilize iCloud to restrict particular senders, causing their communications to end up in the Trash bin. To prevent unsolicited emails, it is necessary to understand how to block emails on iCloud  Archives.

Typically, emails classified as spam come from unsolicited senders or have harmful material. Specifically, the majority of emails sent by newsletters, subscriptions, promos, or ads are viewed as junk by most individuals.

Is There a Way To Block Emails On iCloud Archives?

There are various techniques to protect your iCloud emails from unwanted and unsolicited messages. You can reduce, sort, and remove the messages in your inbox. iCloud Mail is equipped with several tools to analyze trends, create useful lists, and consistently identify and prevent unsolicited emails.

Blocking the email addresses of those you do not want in your mailbox list is one of the most significant strategies to stop receiving spam messages from them. 

Easy Steps on How to Block Emails on iCloud Archives

Easy Steps on How to Block Emails on iCloud Archives

1. By Apple Devices

  • On your Mac, open iCloud Mail. 
  • Log into your iCloud Mail account.
  • Select the specific message that needs to be blocked from both of your inboxes.
  • In the message header, click the name.
  • Next, choose “block contact” to display the block icons, then click it.
  • Now, you’ve already blocked them.

2. Using a Web Browser

  • Navigate using your web browser to
  • Open your iCloud email and log in.
  • Select the mail button and click it.
  • Find the symbol for settings and click it.
  • To access the Preferences menu, click on it.
  • Find the ‘Rules’ and click it.
  • Next, click “Add New Rule.”
  • Click the selection menu next to “is from” in the “if message header.”
  • To block an email address, enter its address.
  • Afterward, “mark as read and move to trash.”
  • Lastly, click the add button.
  • You’re done now!
How To Block A Sender In iCloud Mail?

How To Block A Sender In iCloud Mail?

Step 1: Log in to your iCloud Mail account.

Enter your Apple ID and password to access your iCloud Mail account.

Step 2: Read the Sender’s Message

Click on the email message that you wish to block from the sender.

Step 3: Click on the Flag Icon

In the message box, click the flag icon at the bottom.

Step 4: Select the option to “Block Sender.”

Select the option “Block Sender” from the menu that drops down.

Step 5: Confirm the Activity

There will be an email confirming this. To confirm that you want to block the sender, click the “Block” option.

Step 6: The Sender Has Been Blocked

How Do I Stop Emails From Going To iCloud?

To access it, go to one of your Home screens and hit the gray gear symbol (it may also be located in a folder called “Utilities”). After navigating to the fourth group of options, choose iCloud. Turn the main switch “Off” by sliding it to the left. It should become gray, indicating that iCloud backups for your Mail app are no longer available.

Can iCloud Storage Stop Emails?

You won’t be able to receive new emails in your iCloud Mail account if you run out of storage capacity unless you add more storage.

How to Block Emails On Your iPhone?

How to Block Emails On Your iPhone?

Using the Mail app, you can block emails on your iPhone. To block a sender, open a message from that sender, and press ‘Block This Contact’ after tapping the sender’s name next to ‘From’.

How To Unblock Emails On iCloud?

Go to the Rules section of the iCloud email and modify or delete the rule that is blocking the sender to unblock them. Alternatively, you can go to ‘Senders,’ select the ‘Blocked’ tab, select the sender, and click ‘Unblock’ to use Clean Email’s unblocking option.

Frequently Asked Questions

In iCloud, How Can I Block An Email Address?

You must create a rule in a web browser to block email in iCloud so that specific messages end up in your trash folder. In iCloud Mail, navigate to “Settings” → “Rules” and choose “Add a Rule” to establish a rule. Next, establish a rule that directs messages sent by a given sender to the Trash.

How Can I Permanently Block An Email On iCloud?

An email address can be permanently blocked in a few different ways. An option to filter unsolicited communications and move them to your trash bin is present in many email applications.

How Can I Stop iCloud Spam Emails?

Usually, automatically, spam emails end up in your Junk folder. Nevertheless, occasionally these messages end up in your mailbox. You have two options if you receive spam emails in your iCloud Inbox: you can either move them to your Junk folder or block the sender. Similar messages are automatically moved to the rubbish folder when you classify a message as junk.

Are Emails Blocked By iCloud?

Before junk mail hits your inbox, iCloud Mail automatically detects and blocks it using dynamic lists, trend analysis, and other technologies.

How Do I Stop My iCloud Email Storage From Filling Up?

When you remove emails from your iCloud email account, you can free up iCloud space. Additionally, you can move email messages from your iPad, iPhone, or Mac computer to your PC or Mac, where they will not be deducted from your iCloud storage.


Do you use Apple devices? You now know the exact ways – “How to Block Emails on iCloud Archives”. In some way, the steps on different devices follow the same sequence. The location of the icon’s feature on each device is the only distinction. So let’s follow the above guidelines to ensure the best possible privacy protection!

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