How to Transfer All Your Passwords from Chrome to Safari on Mac and iPhone

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Tired of reentering dozens of passwords whenever you switch between Chrome and Safari? We’ve got you covered with multiple methods to securely import login credentials across browsers and devices.

Follow our guide to painlessly transfer your entire password vault from Google Chrome over to Safari on both Mac and iOS. Then access all your accounts with one click using iCloud Keychain’s built-in password manager.

Soon you’ll breeze through login screens without remembering a thing as your passwords seamlessly sync. Let’s conquer this annoyance once and for all!

Why Transfer Passwords from Chrome to Safari?

Safari and Chrome dominate the macOS and iOS browser markets. Many users flip between both for various reasons. Chrome offers stronger cross-platform syncing with Android. While Safari better optimizes battery life given tighter iPhone integration.

But constantly reauthenticating gets old fast whenever you swap browsers. Rather than struggle remembering endless usernames and passwords, you can permanently solve this by transferring your full credentials vault.

The process only takes a few minutes. Once finished, your entire login library will stay accessible across all devices via iCloud Keychain. Read on to securely import passwords from Chrome over to Safari on Mac and iOS in just a few easy steps.

Method 1 – Use a Mac to Seamlessly Sync Logins Across Devices

The simplest way to transfer Google Chrome passwords into Safari is through a Mac. Surprisingly, neither iPhone nor iPad supports direct password imports as of now.

But once you import into Safari on a Mac, iCloud Keychain effortlessly passes saved credentials over to any linked iPhones and iPads too. Let’s examine exactly how to consolidate logins:

  1. Exit out of any Chrome windows opened
  2. Launch Safari on your Mac
  3. Select “Import from Chrome” under File menu
  4. Check “verify passwords” and hit import
  5. Enter your system password when prompted
  6. Confirm “OK” after Safari finishes importing

Now all associated iPhones and iPads will automagically sync newly imported passwords via iCloud Keychain too. No further steps required for seamless convenience across Apple devices!

Method 2 – Manually Import Passwords from Chrome to Safari

If you happened to skip the initial Safari import popup, manually transferring Chrome passwords still just takes seconds:

  1. Confirm Chrome closed on your Mac
  2. Open Safari and choose File > Import From > Google Chrome
  3. Verify the password checkbox selected
  4. Click “Import” and enter Mac’s system password
  5. Finally hit OK after Safari completes the import

Double check all credentials reached Safari under Settings > Passwords. Although no visual indicators confirm individual logins sourced from Chrome or not. So manual inspection proves useful verifying everything migrated smoothly.

Method 3 – Use a CSV File Intermediary (With Caution)

Technically you can export the full Chrome passwords vault into a CSV spreadsheet. Then import from this non-native file into Safari for maximum flexibility. However security risks demand caution around locally saving unencrypted credential troves.

But IF informed about potential downsides, here are steps using CSV transfer:

  1. Access “Google Password Manager > Settings” in Chrome
  2. Click “Export passwords” and authenticate with Apple Pay or Touch ID
  3. In Safari, choose File > Import Passwords from CSV
  4. Select downloaded Chrome CSV file and reenter authentication
  5. Finally click OK after import finishes

Just make sure to delete the CSV containing all logins immediately after completing the import!

Important Security Considerations Around Password Imports

Remember when shuffling around password databases that each method shares inherently amplified privacy and security sensitivities. Locally saved CSV vault exports in particular introducing unnecessary exposure threats should anyone else gain file access.

Additionally, Safari won’t explicitly confirm which logins get imported versus native ones you directly saved. So manually comb through all stored Safari credentials after any migration verifying accuracy.

Finally, Chrome will retain original passwords even after exporting copies over to Safari. You must manually delete any redundant credentials to avoid risks posed by duplicate redundant credential stores.

In summary:

  • Delete original Chrome vault copies after Safari import
  • Carefully vet all Safari passwords post-import for anomalies
  • Never locally leave exported CSV credential files unsecured

Follow those simple precautions and seamlessly access your full vault anywhere secure passwords get magically filled universally across Apple devices thanks to iCloud Keychain!

Final Words

Switching between Chrome and Safari no longer requires manually reauthenticating everywhere thanks to streamlined password imports. Simply migrate your full credentials vault from Google Chrome over to Safari using any method best fitting your preferences and device access.

Just remember to enable Safari’s iCloud Keychain subsequently for delightful omnipresent password syncing across iPhones, iPads and Macs alike! Never waste another minute manually entering logins regardless what Apple device gets used. Instead bounce freely between browsers and platforms with your entire identity vault safely stored, conveniently accessible after a quick one-time transfer.

Give it a shot – we promise you’ll forever view password managers differently once setup! Reclaim your freedom and security.

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