The Top 10 Trending Techs to Master in 2024 for Easy Money

The Top 10 Trending Techs to Master in 2024 for Easy Money

Technology moves so fast these days! It can be hard to keep up with all the latest trends. But learning the right skills can make you lots of easy money real quick. This article looks at 10 big tech trends that will be super hot in 2024. Mastering these can get you a high-paying job or help you start your own business. Read on to find out what you should learn to make bank!

Top 10 Trending Techs to Master in 2024 for Easy Money & Job

1 Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI is Blowing Up ,Artificial intelligence – or AI for short – is getting smarter every day. AI helps computers think more like humans so they can understand the world better. Just look at Siri or Alexa. They can talk to you and answer your questions because of AI! Pretty neat huh?

Big tech companies LOVE AI experts. Places like Google, Facebook, Tesla, and Microsoft desperately want more talent in AI. They use it for self-driving cars, chatbots, medical diagnosis tools, and a ton more.

So if you learn AI, you’ll be very popular! Salaries are fat too – AI pros can make over $160,000 per year in the US. In India, you’re looking at ₹8 lakh per year. Not bad at all!

To start mastering AI, take one of these top certification courses:

  • Certified AI Engineer
  • Certified Machine Learning Engineer
  • Certified AI Research Scientist
  • Certified Natural Language Processing (NLP) Specialist
  • Certified Computer Vision Engineer

And more! Check out for the full list.

With AI, the limit does not exist! It will keep changing the world and making cool new stuff possible. Learning this tech now is a terrific investment in your future.

2 Quantum Computing

This Sounds Like Sci-Fi!

Next we have quantum computing. This sounds straight out of a sci-fi movie!

Normal computers use regular bits for processing data. But quantum computers use quantum bits or “qubits”. These can tap into crazy physics magic to make computers way more powerful.

Quantum computers will completely transform many industries:

  • Break today’s toughest encryption
  • Discover new medicines ultra-fast
  • Optimize huge supply chains

You might be thinking this tech is still far away. But major companies like Google, Microsoft, IBM and Rigetti are ALREADY building quantum computers!

They urgently need quantum experts to push this field forward. Salaries are stellar too – you can expect around $140,000 per year in the US. In India? A solid ₹12 lakh per year!

Ready to be a quantum wizard? Check out these top quantum computing courses:

  • IBM Quantum Computation Certification
  • Online quantum courses from Stanford, MIT and other top colleges
  • University of Toronto Quantum Machine Learning program

Become a quantum master now, before everyone else catches on!

3 Biotechnology

Helping People With Cutting-Edge Science!

Let’s switch gears and talk biotechnology. Biotech uses science and engineering to make things like new medicines, better crops, and more.

Hot biotech fields today:

  • Gene editing therapies – literally customizing your DNA!
  • Growing organs and tissues. Something hurt? Just print a new one!
  • Microbiome hacking – using good microbes for health.
  • Personalized medicine – custom drugs and treatment for your unique body.

Biotech helps people in so many ways. And big companies need talented folks to push the field forward.

You could land jobs at Regeneron, Gilead, or Crispr Therapeutics. Salaries start around $80,000 in the US, or ₹6 lakh for India.

Ready to level up and start helping people with cutting edge science? Check out these top biotech courses:

  • Professional Certificate in Biotech from MIT
  • Biotech Certificates from Harvard, Northeastern, UCLA and more

Who knows – your work might cure diseases, end hunger, or reverse aging!

4 Edge Computing

Bringing The Cloud Closer To You!

In #4 we have edge computing. This is a clever new approach to processing data from IoT devices and sensors.

You know the cloud, right? That’s where lots of companies store and compute their data. But sending IoT data to the cloud takes time. And what if you lose internet? No more data!

Edge computing fixes this. It processes data LOCALLY on smart devices near the sensors and IoT kit. This improves speed and reliability.

Companies NEED experts who understand edge computing to handle the explosion of new devices. Especially firms like AWS, Microsoft, IBM, and HPE working on cloud and IoT.

Salaries are sky-high too! Edge computing pros can expect around $150,000 per year in the US. In India? A very nice ₹12 lakh per year!

Ready to master edge computing? Take one of these top-rated courses:

  • Edge Computing for IoT (Internet of Things)
  • Deploying AI Models on Edge Devices
  • Building Distributed Apps on The Edge

Get certified in edge computing and write your ticket to any hot tech company!

5 Cybersecurity

Protecting Our World From Hacking!

With more data and devices than ever, keeping them secure is VITAL. One breach can be a nightmare for companies and customers.

That’s why cybersecurity experts are desperately needed. They fortify networks, track threats, and respond to attacks.

Cybersecurity roles pay great too! Salaries average around $130,000 in the US and ₹7 lakh in India. Some senior cyber pros even make way more!

Major firms actively hunting cyber talent now:

  • Cisco
  • Palo Alto Networks
  • Fortinet

Hot cybersecurity certifications:

  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
  • CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+)
  • Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH)

Level up your cyber skills today! Then protect big companies from getting hacked tomorrow.

6 Machine Learning

Teaching Computers To Learn Without Programming!

In #6 we have machine learning. This is the “secret sauce” behind much of AI these days.

Machine learning uses special algorithms that learn from data. No coding required! Show a machine learning model some data examples and it can learn to predict things.

Machine learning unlocks all kinds of cool technologies:

  • Image recognition software
  • Product recommendation systems
  • Predictive maintenance on vehicles
  • Automated customer support agents

And LOTS more. No wonder companies want more machine learning experts!

Major tech firms hiring now include Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Apple and almost everyone else.

Average salaries exceed $150,000 per year in the US and ₹10 lakh in India.

Ready to be a machine learning master? Some top courses:

  • Andrew Ng Machine Learning Specialization on Coursera
  • Machine Learning Professional Certificate by IBM
  • Machine Learning Nanodegree from Udacity

No programming experience required for most machine learning courses! These teach you everything you need to know step-by-step.

7 5G Networks

It’s WAY More Than Just Faster Netflix!

Coming in at #7 is 5G networks. You probably heard 5G gives faster video streaming on phones. Nice but not THAT exciting!

But 5G enables SO much more too:

  • Remote surgery with robots
  • Self-driving cars
  • Augmented reality training
  • Smart cities
  • Telehealth for rural areas

And more! 5G finally gives us the speed, responsiveness, and reliability we need for advanced wireless services.

All the big telecoms like Verizon, AT&T and T-Mobile are rolling out 5G quick. And they need talented 5G engineers to develop new technologies!

Equipment makers like Ericsson and Huawei also want 5G experts badly. Salaries typically exceed $110,000 per year in the US and ₹6 lakh in India.

Ready to skill up on 5G? Top courses:

  • 5G Training from Qualcomm Wireless Academy
  • 5G Associate Certification from UC San Diego
  • Nokia Bell Labs 5G Certification Program

Strap in and level up your 5G skills today! Help build our wireless future.

8 Internet of Things

Connecting EVERYTHING To The Internet!

In the 8 spot we have Internet of Things or IoT. This tech connects physical devices to share data.

IoT is all around us! Smart home devices, wearables, autonomous vehicles, industrial sensors, and more.

Gartner forecasts over 30 billion IoT devices by 2025. That’s a lot of connected stuff! Companies need IoT talent to handle it all.

IoT skills pay great too! Salaries average around $130,000 per year in the US and ₹7 lakh in India. Some senior architects make way more.

Major companies hiring IoT talent now:

  • Google Nest
  • Apple HomeKit
  • AWS IoT Services
  • Microsoft Azure IoT

Ready to start connecting devices? Top IoT courses include:

  • IoT Foundation Certification
  • Certified IoT Practitioner
  • IoT Analytics Course from IBM

Skill up now, then get paid big money to link EVERYTHING to the internet!

9 Augmented & Virtual Reality

Tranform How Humans Interact With Computers!

Up next at #9 we have two cool technologies – augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality (VR).

AR overlays digital stuff onto the real world. Pokémon GO gives a fun example using your phone’s camera. VR transports you fully into digital worlds. Put on a headset and you’re inside a video game!

Both AR and VR create wild new ways for humans to interface with computers. This unlocks options for:

  • Next-gen gaming
  • Immersive cinema
  • Space exploration
  • Medical training
  • And LOTS more

Apple, Google, Microsoft, Meta and others race to develop new AR and VR products. And they need talented developers to build killer apps and software!

Salaries for AR/VR talent run about $95,000 per year in the US and ₹6 lakh in India. But some specialized engineers make way more.

Ready to help build our mixed reality future? Top AR/VR courses:

  • Introduction to ARCore from Google
  • Augmented Reality Certificate from MIT
  • Virtual Reality Certification from University of London

Strap on a headset, level up your skills, and dive into the next computing platform!

10 Blockchain

The Unhackable Database!

Rounding out our list at #10 is blockchain technology. This is a clever “trust machine” that verifies transactions.

Blockchain first got famous as the foundation for Bitcoin and crypto. But now companies use it to track other kinds of digital assets too. Like insurance claims, supply chain data, and more.

Here is why companies love blockchains:

  • Decentralized – no central point of failure
  • Transparent – everyone sees transactions
  • Secure – super hard for hackers

Hot companies hiring blockchain talent now:

  • IBM
  • Microsoft
  • JP Morgan
  • ConsenSys
  • Chainlink

Demand for qualified blockchain developers is very high! Typical US salaries exceed $100,000 per year. In India? A healthy ₹8 lakh per year!

Ready to master blockchain? Top courses:

  • Blockchain Essentials from IBM
  • Blockchain Developer Certification from Udacity
  • Blockchain Fundamentals from University of California Berkeley

Skill up and get paid big money to work at the cutting edge of blockchain tech!

Final Words

And there you have it! The top 10 technology skills that will be hot in 2024. These fields have TONS of demand from major companies hiring now. Learning them can quickly get you a high salary job – even with no experience.

AI, machine learning, quantum computing, 5G networks, and the rest will shape our future. Mastering them gives you very nice options!It’s your choice what to learn. Maybe start with one that catches your interest then go from there. With hard work you can land that dream tech job in no time.

Now get out there, skill up, and go make that easy money! You got this!

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